I've just started my own little business! It's actually a buy and sell kind of thing. It's small but viable, and I'm loving it. Gandang Kalikasan Inc. has opened a new line of affordable, organic, chemical-free skin and hair care products called Human Nature. This is a part of the Gawad Kalinga program and is made 100% by Filipinos. Two weeks ago, I was desperately looking for a body butter that would help my poor, very dry and very cracked hands. Coincidentally, a friend of my mom's gave her one of Human Nature's body butter's. And guess what, I loved it! The products are great! They feel really healthy, it's as if I'm feeding my skin real fruits. And they smell so delicious, that the phrase "good enough to eat" has never been so appropriate! And so, on February 14th, I officially became a Human Nature dealer! The rest is history. And here I thought I didn't have a single seller's bone in my body. And I'm proud to say that I'm doing quite well!
It's a small thing, but I feel like this was one of those aha moments, wherein one feels that she's made the right choice. (Which I have) I'm glad I jumped on this opportunity. Now, I'm happily -- shall we say -- minding my own business!
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